Now with Kylie and Clayton’s promise completed we have to turn to some of the other grandkids. Last summer Hunter came to stay with us while we were in Mexia but due to a death in the family his trip was cut short, so we promised him another stay. So Hunter came to stay with us on June 30th for a week.
He never got to go out and explore the USS Battleship Texas so we took him out to explore the ship. He said he shot down over 200 bad guys trying to blow up Houston.
We left the ship and went to visit with the rangers and friends we had been working with and he got to see and play with the alligator. This was really a neat experience for him as he is was really scared but they were great with him and he loved every minute of it.
The the 4th of July, he was with us for the big party and celebration. We went to Andy and Lisa for their neighborhood party that they have each year. As always it was a great day of BBQ, swimming pool, friendship, family and enjoying ourselves.
That evening we had a rain storm move over us and then it turned out to be a great evening watching the kids with their fireworks. Then, of course, we had to have ours – Andy is a firefighter and really does a great job each year putting a great show together for us.
The next couple of days we had fun with Hunter at the coach as it rained, but when we could we were down at the pool. He and papaw played checkers and chess a couple of times, but in general we had a great week with Hunter. We met Brian and Jean and returned him on a Sunday afternoon. Promise #2 fulfilled.
The next couple of weeks we spent the time chilling at the RV park – Fred went through round #4 of his chemo so that week he is not feeling well so we just relax at home watching movies/TV. There were some activities at the park and relax at the pool when he is feeling up to it.
The third weekend of July there was a big festival at Tom Bass Park, the county park just behind the RV Park behind us. Sunday afternoon we starting hearing all kind of noise so went outside to see what was going on. It was the Houston Caribbean Festival parade of bands. So up on top of the coach we climb to see what was going on. It was neat so we walked over the the area to watch the parade. It was loud though and went on until about 9:00 that night – we were ready for them to close as our coach backs up to the park. The coach was rock-n-rolling with all the bassing going on and the loud music.
The last week of July we completed our promises to our Grandkids and Moira spent a week with us. This one was different as she is 12 and not as easy to entertain as the younger ones. She was interested in the going to the pool though so we spent a lot of time at the pool. It rained a lot this week so we had to find other activities she would enjoy. In talking with her we found out that she had never been in the tunnels downtown and in fact has not really been around exploring the downtown area of Houston nor really ever went to the Galleria Shopping Mall. So we spent a day downtown – riding Metro train, walking the tunnels, and even went to Discovery Green Park.
Then we spent an afternoon at the Art Car Museum – she had been to all the other museums in town. We took her here as she loves arts and plans on being an artist herself.
Then we sent a day at the Galleria Mall, where she was interested in all kinds of things that were to expensive – oh well she is a pre-teen after all. Of all the places to eat lunch there she choose Chili's.
We left there and stopped by a friends where she just refused to leave – we had to drag her out as she was having such a great time. But then again I was also. They have four 6 week old puppies, Manchester that are so cute and are at that playful stage.
It was a good time with her and we had lots of interesting conversations. Grandkids promises fulfilled.
Last week (Tuesday) of July is Fred 5th treatment of chemo – so we are on the downhill side of his treatment. Hope everyone had a good month in July – we are now looking forward to August and what will it bring??????